We live at a time when technology is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, changing the way we live and relate to the world around us. As an office for design and innovation, Modem envisions how forward-thinking companies and institutions can thrive amidst exponential change. Working at the intersection of physical and digital, we are committed to designing experiences for a new world.
Research + Strategy
Forecasting, innovation strategy, prototyping, future visions and speculative design scenarios.
Product Development
Digital product experiences in the realms of AI, blockchain, spatial- and ambient computing.
Spatial Experiences
Design and production of immersive retail experiences, installations, and exhibitions.
Modem Works B.V.
Laurierstraat 248-H
1016 PT Amsterdam
General Inquiries
Career Inquiries
Press Inquiries
At our core, we are the hybrid of a think tank and design studio. Together with a decentralised network of academics, technologists and designers, we anticipate emerging signals of change and design innovative solutions as a response.
Over the past years, we have established an ongoing exchange with the global design community to inspire new perspectives and ideas.
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